
Mendip Spring Golf & Country Club

Ladies SEction 

Welcome to Mendip Spring Ladies Section.

We pride ourselves at Mendip Spring on having a very friendly ladies section, whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced player.

We are lucky at Mendip Spring to have our 9-hole Lakeside Course, which is a prefect course for those new to golf but is still an interesting and intriguing course. Here you are able to obtain a handicap and play in competitions, whilst also enjoying social golf. We have a group of experienced ladies who are willing to assist on the Lakeside Course so that you are able to progress to the Brinsea Course when you are ready and from there you will also be able to have support from within our friendly ladies section.

The ladies have a regular tee time slot on the Brinsea Course, on a Wednesday morning between 10am-11.30am. Competitions are organised each week and range from Monthly Medals, Stablefords, "˜fun' team competitions and external competitions such as Ping and Coronation Foursomes. Mid-week 9-hole Stableford competitions are also run alongside the 18-hole competitions. Weekend 18-hole competitions are organised to mirror the midweek competitive competitions.

There are a number of Major Competitions including, Club Championship, Summer Singles and pairs, Order of Merit, Summer Eclectic and Captains Trophy.

If you enjoy match play the Ladies Section have two league teams and a friendly team.

The Ladies First Team play in the Bristol & District Lady Golfers' Alliance and our second league team completes in the Interclub League.

The Ladies Friendlies Team compete in social competitions with other local golf clubs. This is a very good way to play other courses and meet like-minded ladies.

A very popular event in the calendar, is the Ladies Away Day and the Ladies Away Night, arranged annually by the Lady Captain. These include fun team competition days enjoyed by all abilities.

The Ladies Section also hosts mixed events, Ladies Open competitions and invitation days, as well as other social events.

Overall, the Ladies Section prides itself on being inclusive to all and we enjoy supporting our junior section as well. Much of the golf played is both friendly and fun but there is also plenty of competitive golf.

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